The Sandbox: the AVSandbox knowledge hub
The Sandbox knowledge hub discusses many of the crucial issues affecting the development, engineering, use and regulation of Autonomous Vehicles.
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This is an exciting, dynamic and evolving market, rich in innovation and driven by many of the brightest minds in industry, yet studded with fascinating and often difficult challenges. In both our existing knowledge hub posts and in future posts we hope to bring fresh ideas, thoughts and insights that will help to inform your decision making.
Animation of Scenarios
Simulation can be a time-consuming process between creating test scenarios, running simulations and verifying the results, especially if something ...
Ray Tracing Algorithms for Radar Modeling
In previous blog posts we have described various aspects of the radar simulator such as the antenna (Modeling of Phased ...
When driverless cars rode across Europe… in the 80s
The has-been-trieds of technology. They’re inspiring, they’re disheartening. Those innovators who like to chase firsts and ride the moment are ...
Legal proof the AV is safe enough
For a senior manager of an ASDE (Authorised Self-Driving Entity), in accordance with the Law Commission Report on Self-Driving ...
Verification & Validation of a Simulation Model
Simulation is the way forward to autonomous driving because it is the only way to deliver the level of ...
Introduction to Safety Estimation using Intersection Matrix Method
As the world wakes up to the stringent safety tests that will be needed for self-driving cars, the team ...